Monthly Archives: April 2013

San Antonio program to discuss water conservation and lawn care

As part of the growing concern for the availability of water in the south Central Texas region, the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service for Bexar County will hold a series of Backyard Gardening programs, one of which will feature the topic “Growing a Lawn and Saving Water.”

Bexar County AgriLife Extension agent for horticulture David Rodriguez said this will be a very timely program  due to the spring planting season and San Antonio possibly reaching Stage 3 water restrictions soon. The event will be held on April 23 at the agency’s San Antonio office at the Conroy Square complex in Suite 208.

Rodriguez also said that Texas would experience difficulty in providing water accessibility for the commercial agriculture sector, the green industry, and home landscaping.

According to Rodriguez and Bexar County Master Gardeners water conservation coordinator Vince Vita, the program will create awareness on how to conserve water for home landscaping.

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